Monday, November 14, 2005

OST Umbrella

Life in campus was a heck of a rush. everything happens so fast that time wasn;t even sufficient to do anything. One week after the holidays, life went back to the usual routine. However, much happened during the holidays and SOMEONE is now relieved of HIS burden. Sunday night, last day of the break was DOTA night. Soon after that, was thinking skills business. We were sketching a few umbrellas and towards the end, KCHZ was up to no good. OST had two umbrella sketches, and KCHZ sketched the first one out well. Then, comes the candid one. In this pic, it is OST's Umbrella Co, advert by KCHZ from ruffleseed co.

1 comment:

Melvin T. said...

"as fair as shiou ting..."

Hmm ... I like this line. It sounds that the umbrella is really nice.