Trust, something once betrayed may never be gained again. You may have heard of this phrase form some TV series (OK, I did get it from Desperate Housewives), but once experienced, that will just dawn on you on how true it is.
Come a time when someone betrays your trust but that person is oblivious about it, he/she thinks that the music’s still playing the way they want it to be, you just lose all your compassion and trust for that person. Mind you, I do care for the person who I hold dear to me, close and true friends, family members. Although sometimes I can sound reluctant in helping but I’ll do all in my ability to help.
However, when a person who once failed my trust and friendship, things can never be the same although I try to make it so. He or she can some telling you about an ordeal he/she is going through, but for some reason, I just do not have the compassion like how I used to, to care for that person and see is there anything I could do to help. At times, I even muse in my heart, serve him/her right, you deserve all this. This sounds cruel, but that’s reality. I just can’t overcome the past on how I was treated like a fool, an easily manipulated fool who will be at your dispense anytime.
It may not seem to me that I was being used, but God is fair. He just opened up my eyes and I start to see the unseen. Other friends did warn me before, they’ve asked, don’t I feel manipulated and used? But I said no and as a friend, I’ll do all in my ability to help. I was naïve, and maybe the environment I grew up in was just different.
This entry isn’t meant for anyone, but it’s just something I feel like voicing out. After all this I can still be a friend, but it’s just not the same as before. Maybe I’m beginning to erect a shield to protect myself from anymore harm…….
Yet, the world is like this. I’m just a kid (in relation to the exposure I have) but that doesn’t mean that I can be easily bullied, and I’m learning. Having the upper hand doesn’t people to manipulate others despite the way the world is now. But I always believe God is fair and he has his verdict.
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